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BASCD response to the North East England Water Fluoridation Consultation

BASCD have developed a response to the North East England Water Fluoridation Consultation.

Consultation for Fluoridated Water in Northeast England: A Crucial Step Towards Better Oral Health

The British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry (BASCD) strongly supports the consultation for expanding water fluoridation in the Northeast of England. This initiative, spearheaded by the UK government, aims to improve dental health outcomes and reduce oral health inequalities across the region. As an alliance of individuals dedicated to population oral health, BASCD is keenly interested in this proposal and its potential impact on communities.

The Case for Water Fluoridation

Water fluoridation has long been recognized as a safe, effective, and equitable public health intervention. It involves adjusting the fluoride content of public water supplies to optimal levels to prevent tooth decay. According to numerous authoritative reviews conducted globally over the past two decades, water fluoridation significantly reduces the prevalence and severity of dental caries in populations with access to fluoridated water. Importantly, these studies have consistently found no convincing scientific evidence of harm to health, aside from an increase in mild dental fluorosis, which is a cosmetic condition rather than a health risk.

BASCD’s Position on the Proposal

The BASCD’s position statement on community water fluoridation, released in 2023, highlights the organization’s robust support for this intervention. The statement underscores water fluoridation as a pivotal measure for reducing tooth decay and promoting oral health equity. The BASCD believes that the expansion of water fluoridation in Northeast England aligns with these goals, offering substantial benefits to the region’s residents, particularly children and those in more deprived areas.

Health and Economic Benefits

The proposed expansion is expected to yield multiple benefits, including:

Reducing Tooth Decay: Fluoridated water helps lower the incidence of dental caries, leading to healthier teeth and gums.
Decreasing Dental Treatments: By preventing decay, water fluoridation reduces the need for treatments like fillings and extractions, alleviating the burden on dental services.
Cutting NHS Costs: Preventive measures like fluoridation can save significant healthcare costs by reducing the demand for dental treatments.
Addressing Oral Health Inequalities: The evidence indicates that water fluoridation has a greater positive impact on those from deprived backgrounds, helping to narrow the health gap between socio-economic groups.
Environmental and Ethical Considerations

The BASCD acknowledges concerns about potential negative impacts of water fluoridation. However, extensive health monitoring in England has shown no increase in systemic diseases or dental aesthetic issues in fluoridated areas. Environmental studies also suggest no significant harm, and the reduction in dental treatments may even lower carbon emissions.

Ethically, while water fluoridation removes individual choice, the BASCD argues that the broader public health benefits justify this measure. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child supports prioritizing children’s best interests in public health decisions, reinforcing the case for fluoridation as a protective intervention for vulnerable populations.

BASCD strongly endorses the proposed expansion of water fluoridation in Northeast England. This initiative represents a significant step towards improving oral health outcomes and reducing health inequalities. By embracing this evidence-based intervention, the region can look forward to healthier smiles and a brighter dental future for all its residents.

For more details on BASCD’s position and supporting evidence, please visit BASCD position paper on water fluoridation

BASCD has also emphasised that when planning oral health improvement programmes, it is important for policy makers and commissioners to seek specialist advice and support from dental public health teams.

NE England WF Expansion Consultation BASCD Response FINAL 2024