Registration now open!
Registration form and full programme now available
Please return the attached registration form to or you can go directly online to register following the link below:
‘Waving or Drowning: The good, the bad and the ugly of communication’
Date: Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th May 2019
Location: The Lowry Hotel, Chapel Wharf, Salford, Manchester
“The words ‘information’ and ‘communication’ are often used interchangeably, but they signify quite different things. Information is giving out; communication is getting through”.
Sydney J Harris
Sydney J Harris, the late Chicago Sun Times journalist captures in this quote the essence of what’s behind the ‘Communication’ theme of this year’s BASCD scientific meeting taking place on May 23-24th. We will be looking to experts in the field of communication from diverse backgrounds to inspire us with examples from their fields of work which we might translate into our working practices in order to innovate and improve. What can we learn from award winning playwrights about ‘getting through’ or from a war correspondent on managing the demands of 24/7 communication in this world of mobile phones and never-ending emails?
This year the conference is being held in the Lowry Hotel, Salford. It is just a short distance from Media City, an international hub for technology, innovation and creativity. We hope that our truly exceptional speakers will inspire us and give us some different perspectives on communicating. Not least of all to help us think laterally about how to communicate who we are and what we do. The hashtag for the Spring conference is #BASCDLOWRY.
I look forward to welcoming you to Manchester in May for what I hope will be an enjoyable meeting.
Gail Douglas
BASCD President Elect
ECPD Quality Assurance Information – Full details available here.
Call for Abstracts – Deadline extended! Submission deadline Friday 12th April 2019, 9.00am Full details available in Latest News
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