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BASCD Autumn Scientific Meeting 2018 #BASCD2018

Date: Thursday 15th November 2018
Location: Cavendish Conference Centre

Re-scaling the Dental Recall

This year’s BASCD Autumn scientific meeting will consider the implications of 3 major NIHR trials for policy and practice in relation to dental recall.

The IQuad Study

This study looked to compare the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of theoretically based, personalised oral hygiene advice (OHA) or periodontal instrumentation (PI) at different time intervals or their combination, for improving periodontal health in dentate adults attending general dental practice.

The Ficton trial

which set out to address the question “What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of filling caries in primary teeth, compared to no treatment?”

The NIHR HTA INTERVAL Dental Recalls Trial

This trial aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of three dental recall strategies by assessing their impact on maintaining adult oral health. The comparisons are:-

  • 6 month recall interval
  • Risk based recall interval based on the patient’s risk of dental disease
  • 24 month recall interval

Save the Date! Full details will be released shortly. Keep in touch with BASCD news and events via Twitter @bascd_uk