The poster award is sponsored by BASCD and the Borrow Foundation who are actively engaged in promoting oral health and disease prevention.

The poster prize is open to BASCD members from academic and non-academic institutions in their early careers e.g. undergraduates, clinical fellows, trainees and those undertaking Masters and PhD degrees. This includes dentists, DCPs and any other groups with an interest in public health.

The 1st prize award winner will receive a certificate, £200 and be offered financial support to participate at the congress of the European Association of Dental Public Health (EADPH) being held in the following year, with such support being:

  • provided to meet reasonable expenses for travel, accommodation, subsistence and congress registration, up to a maximum of £1750;
  • conditional on the acceptance by EADPH of an abstract for a poster or oral presentation, and that presentation being made by the awardee.

A certificate and prize of £50 will be awarded to both 2nd and 3rd prize winners.

The assessment criteria for this award relate to the topic, content and presentation as follows:


  • Relevant to population oral health, health improvement, oral health care and policy
  • Evidence based approach used
  • Originality of the concept, potential impact and engagement with the principles of public health


  • Clear aims and objectives
  • Methodology described in sufficient detail and appropriate to address research question
  • Results presented in appropriate fashion and depth
  • Conclusion and implications highlighted


  • Well structured, clear and concise summary of project presented
  • Appropriate use of language and supporting references
  • Tables and figures used as necessary
  • Interesting and appealing appearance